Instagram Story Challenge Sticker

How to use Instagram Story Challenge Sticker


Instagram has recently rolled out a new sticker that can be used in Instagram Stories. You can now nominate other profiles to do challenges with you. But for now, you can only join in the challenge that already exists but not create your own one. Later in the coming days, this feature will also roll out.

How to Use Instagram Challenge Sticker

Stay at home challenge

How to use the challenge sticker?

It works the same way you put up any hashtags or location stickers on your story. You can also browse through other people's challenges by tapping the challenge sticker on their Story.


Instagram Sticker Challenge     

You can start by typing in a challenge you know, like #stayathomechallenge or #lockdownchallenge, or you can browse through the challenge database by typing in keywords like "tshirtchallenge" or "memeschallenge" to find something new.


How to know a hashtag is a challenge or not?

The hashtags which contain a yellow boundary around the story highlight with an award at the bottom when searched can only be used in challenge sticker of Instagram.

The hashtag that contains the word "challenge" at the end is only eligible for sticker challenge.

Instagram Story Challenge Sticker


30+ Types of Instagram Sticker Challenges you can Try Out

Here are a few hashtags you can try as a challenge:


  1. #stayathomechallenge 
  2. #stayhomechallenge
  3. #lockdownchallenge
  4. #fitnesschallenge
  5. #artchallenge
  6. #drawingchallenge
  7. #yogachallenge
  8. #dancechallenge
  9. #letteringchallenge
  10. #10yearchallenge
  11. #squatchallenge
  12. #makeupchallenge
  13. #10yearschallenge
  14. #tiktokchallenge
  15. #allinchallenge
  16. #see10do10challenge
  17. #21dayschallenge
  18. #21daychallenge
  19. #24hourchallenge
  20. #30daychallenge
  21. #30daysongchallenge
  22. #4barschallenge
  23. #50pushupchallenge
  24. #5kchallenge
  25. #6fanartchallenge
  26. #next90challenge
  27. #90srnbchallenge
  28. #onananachallenge
  29. #evoluiuchallenge
  30. #drawthisinyourstylechallenge
  31. #dontrushchallenge
  32. #newchallenge
  33. #nomakeupchallenge
  34. #norushchallenge
  35. #somethingnewchallenge
  36. #quarantinechallenge
  37. #dalgonacoffeechallenge



Once you find the challenge, get your content ready, and nominate your friends to do it.

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